Finding an expert witness or a medical expert witness made easy

Homestead Medical Experts today reflected on its release of their expert witness service 6 years ago, which was in development for 2 years. The main aim was always to save attorneys time searching for expert witnesses and deliver some time back to their day… and by defying convention, this expert witness referral company did so, with a difference.

Seth Lefberg, Founder & CEO at Homestead Medical Experts, says: “We wanted to try something new with Expert Witnesses. Anyone familiar with the Expert Witness market will probably have noticed how everyone else always seemed to take your case, collect up-front finder’s fees and send you an expert that is under par.. We felt this was a problem because they lose the incentive to provide you an expert until you are happy. We don’t get paid until you pay the expert so we are motivated to please our clients. .”

So as a welcome breath of fresh air, we instead provide free recruiting and complimentary phone calls with all prospective experts. . Homestead Medical Experts chose to make this move because we feel the best way of doing business is ensuring all parties are on the same page prior to exchanging money..

Seth Lefberg also said “We want to give our customers the ability to do other things in their day. Take on new cases, follow up with their clients or spend more time with the family. We will take care of finding your expert witnesses.. With our service, they have a fresh new possibility. We want them to feel a sense of a relief and confidence knowing we will act as a partner to their firm. Trying something new is always a risk, but it’s a risk we believe is worth taking.”

Homestead Medical Experts has been in business for 6, being established in 2015. Since Day 1 it has always aimed to stand out from the crowd, while also providing its customers the best possible experience at the best possible value.

Expert Witnesses are now available online where you can submit a case at any time.. To find out more, it’s possible to visit

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